Dube TradePort
© 2022, Dube TradePort
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29° South, 7 Umsinsi Junction
Dube City, La Mercy
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Tel: +27 32 814 0000
Email: invest@dubetradeport.co.za
Through Dube TradePort’s donation of locally-designed and manufactured Subz Pants and Pads, 1 500 KwaZulu-Natal schoolgirls will benefit from unimpeded education, free from the economic and social concerns associated with buying monthly sanitary products.
“We are so excited to be partnering with Dube TradePort Special Economic Zone on this worthwhile initiative,” said Sue Barnes, founder of Subz Pants and Pads, and its NPO extension, Project Dignity. “This is the first time we’ve partnered with any government organisation for such an undertaking and we look forward to a really productive relationship that will see thousands more schoolgirls receiving vital sanitary wear.”
Distributed through Project Dignity, the Subz Pants and Pads packs consist of a set of reusable sanitary pads and accompanying panties. These items can be washed and reused, making them both economically and environmentally advantageous. Barnes originally created the product after learning that schoolgirls were missing classroom time because they could not afford monthly sanitary items. Since 2010, Project Dignity has distributed thousands of packs to schoolchildren across South Africa and beyond the borders.
Representatives from Dube TradePort learnt about the work done by Project Dignity and decided to donate 1 500 Subz packs to schoolchildren in the local KwaZulu-Natal communities as part of its
Girl Child Support CSI initiative.
“We chose Subz Pants and Pads as our supplier of the sanitary pads as part of our Girl Child Support CSI initiative because they manufacture the products locally, for us promoting locally manufactured goods is important as we are the operators of the Dube TradePort Special Economic Zone, economic development, education and sustainability are amongst the key focus areas for our CSI initiatives as they reflect the values of our organisation,” explained Dube TradePort CSI Manager, Solomon Nkosi. “The response to this donation has been great and we are very excited about the fact that we are able to have a meaningful and positive impact in the lives of these young women.”
Owned by the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government, Dube TradePort Special Economic Zone is a world-class industrial precinct, considered one of South Africa’s top ten investment destinations that offers globally integrated logistics and manufacturing infrastructure, and support for a range of airport-related activities, including cargo operations, warehousing, agriculture, and commercial real-estate for office, retail and hospitality.
The organisation’s Girl Child Support CSI initiative started in March this year and is distributing the Subz packs to eight schools in the region. These include Mshwati Primary School, Sphiwe High School, Mjoji Primary School, Lockhart High School, Mashiyamahle High School, Hloniphani High School, Amawoti No 3 Secondary School and Ndwedwe High School.
Solomon Nkosi and intern, Zanele Gumede, accompany the Project Dignity team to each school activation. In addition to distributing the packs, the children are engaged in an educational talk about sexual health and responsibility as well as how to use and care for the product.
To support Project Dignity or find out more, visit:
Website: www.projectdignity.co.za
© 2022, Dube TradePort
29° South, 7 Umsinsi Junction
Dube City, La Mercy
Tel: +27 32 814 0000
Email: invest@dubetradeport.co.za