Participate in the Process.
This website is the online centre for public information and participation in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed Dube TradePort. It provides you with information and services to help you participate in the Environmental Impact Assessment Process.
The Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism has authorised the construction and operation of the Dube TradePort.
Should you have any queries regarding the record of decision for the development of Dube TradePort and conditions under which the application has been authorised, please contact Jenny Mitchell.
Should you wish to lodge an appeal in respect of this authorisation, it must be lodged with the Minister of the Environmental Affairs and Tourism within thirty days from the date on which this record of decision was issued to ACSA. This appeal must be submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism by Saturday, 22nd September 2007 in one of the following ways:
- By facsimile: 012 322 0082
- By post: Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001
- By hand: 2nd Floor, Fedsure Forum Building, North Tower, cnr Van der Walt and Pretorius Streets, Pretoria
- Mr PKM Retief, Appeals Administrator, Tel 012 310 3705 or PRetief@deat.gov.za or
- Mr H Grové, Appeals Administrator, Tel 012 310 3070 or HGrové@deat.gov.za at the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.
Jenny Mitchell
An appeal questionnaire may be used in the lodging of an appeal.
This appeal must be submitted to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism by Saturday, 22nd September 2007
Contact Us
You are welcome to contact Jenny Mitchell. The
contact details can be found at the bottom of the page.