The EIA Process
An Environmental Impact Assessment refers to the process of identifying, predicting and assessing the potential environmental impacts of a proposed project on the environment.
The General Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) regulations as promulgated in terms of section 21(1) of the Environmental Conservation Act, No. 73 of 1989 (ECA) outlines a procedure which needs to be followed in order for a development application to be considered by the relevant authority. These regulations apply in respect of any activity which has been identified in schedule 1 in Government Notice No. R. 1182 of 5 September 1997 as amended. Schedule 1 activities are those “that may have a substantial detrimental effect on the environment”. These listed activities are subject to the EIA process, the regulations for which were promulgated in terms of sections 26 and 28 of the ECA (Regulations No 1183). In terms of these regulations authorisation is required before one can proceed with such an activity.
The EIA process commenced in October 2005 with the submission of an application to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) and the submission of a plan of study for scoping. The scoping process was completed in October 2006 and the scoping report submitted to DEAT.
The scoping investigation reviewed the full range of potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed activities of the development. The scoping investigation was based on input from authorities, interested and affected parties (IAAPs) and the professional team. A shortlist of potentially significant environmental impacts was identified for further and more detailed investigation during the EIA process. The list of potential environmental impacts identified is tabulated at the end of Chapters 7 – 18 in the scoping report.
The scoping report reviewed a range of project alternatives associated with the proposed DTP and associated infrastructure. Chapters 7 – 18 of the Scoping Report documented possible site layout and design alternatives. Chapter 19 of the Scoping Report investigated the option to upgrade DIA and two alternate project sites. The option to upgrade DIA was identified for further investigation during the EIA along with a range of site and design alternatives. Specialist studies were commissioned to investigate and assess the potential impacts as identified in the scoping phase of the EIA. Draft Specialist studies were made available for public comment and also presented at a public meeting to enable IAAPs to provide comment.
Comment received from IAAPs and authorities will be consolidated into a Comments and Response document for each Specialist Study. The draft Specialist Study will then be revised in light of the feedback provided. The final draft of the Specialist Study with the accompanying Comments and Responses document will be loaded onto the website. A draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will lodged at libraries in the eThekwini and Ilembe area. The draft EIR will be loaded onto the website. During the comment period public meetings will be held as indicated on the events page to enable IAAPs to provide feedback on the draft report. Comment received from IAAPs and authorities on the draft EIR will be consolidated into a Comments and Responses document. The draft EIR will then be revised in light of the feedback provided and submitted together with the EIR Comments and Responses document to DEAT for a decision. IAAPs will be notified in writing of the release of the Record of Decision by either email or fax. The release of the Record of Decision will be advertised in the Daily News and Mercury.