FAO Representatives visit Dube AgriZone

20 March 2015

Food and Agriculture Organization’s Southern Africa subregion representatives visit Dube AgriZone during an annual event designed to provide a platform for discussion and exchange of information, held in Durban over 10-12 March 2015.

Information and images credit: Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations – http://www.fao.org/africa/news/detail-news/en/c/280739/

Dube AgriZone continues to be recognised throughout the African continent as one of the most technologically advanced future farming platforms. In a recent visit to Durban, a delegation from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation visited Dube TradePort for a site tour. Dube AgriZone's infrastructure is possibly the answer to overcoming the food and nutrition security challenge faced in Africa, “…a challenge far too great for any government or FAO to overcome alone..” says Mr David Phiri, FAO Subregional Coordinator for Southern Africa

Please click the link below for the full report and images: